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The IRS and AI…I doubt it!

I’ve been trying to ignore this report since it hit the scene but y’all keep sending it. So here’s my opinion…

The IRS can barely make use of the systems they have in place now. To add AI would mean more training and higher pay…regardless of Biden’s pump of money into the Department of Treasury, they can’t afford it.

Contrary to popular belief banks don’t always work hand in hand with the IRS. Subpoenas aren’t always fulfilled and the Taxpayer is (should be) notified. Do you really think they’re going to comply with access via AI…I think not. And again the Taxpayer would have to be notified. Furthermore Subpoenas don’t give the IRS unlimited rights to a Taxpayers account. The IRS gets what they ask for via PDF and that’s it. If they forget something on the subpoena such as copies of checks, they have to start over and do another one.

Does the IRS violate the rights of US Citizens, absolutely! I’ve been a victim myself…to the degree of “knowing everyone’s bank account”….I highly doubt it. They couldn’t even get Trumps stuff. This reporter said an “undercover Journalist” confirms the IRS using AI…an undercover Journalist!!! She even stuttered when she said it because it sounds dumb!!!

Y’all be safe out there believing all this #fakenews

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