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President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, could be facing tax crime charges

In late 2020 just days before Joe Biden took his seat as the President, his second son Hunter Biden announced that he was being investigated for tax crimes. Hunter Biden said in a statement in 2020, “I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs.”

Allegedly Hunter has been laundering money overseas, predominantly in China, and violating the US tax laws while doing so. It was announced today that the Federal Agents on the case have enough evidence to charge Hunter with Tax Crimes.

Biden's Attorney had a few words about this information hitting the news.

In a statement to NBC News, Chris Clark, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, said: “It is a federal felony for a federal agent to leak information about a Grand Jury investigation such as this one.  Any agent you cite as a source in your article apparently has committed such a felony.  We expect the Department of Justice will diligently investigate and prosecute such bad actors.”

“As is proper and legally required, we believe the prosecutors in this case are diligently and thoroughly weighing not just evidence provided by agents, but also all the other witnesses in this case, including witnesses for the defense,” Clark said. “That is the job of the prosecutors.  They should not be pressured, rushed, or criticized for doing their job.” 

Hunter Biden's fate is in the hands of U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump (isn't that a coincidence). Good luck with that Hunter!

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